Accidents and Serious Injury by Vehicle in Henry County
In Henry County, GA, most DUI cases, especially first DUI offenses, are considered misdemeanors. Misdemeanors in Georgia are less serious crimes that are punishable by terms of less than one year. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can cause cases, even first DUI cases, to be upgraded to felonies or even to be considered misdemeanors with more serious penalties or high and aggravated misdemeanors. If you were involved in a DUI in which there was an accident or hit and run, that can be considered especially serious in Henry County. In particular, if there were significant injuries to yourself or others, you can be facing a lengthy prison sentence. Do not leave this up to chance as Henry County judges are harsh on DUI offenders and do not hesitate to give the maxims. The more serious the accident and injuries associated with a pending DUI case, the more imperative it is that you contact our experienced Henry County DUI lawyers immediately. We work with some of the best investigators, expert medical witnesses and field sobriety experts in the country. In serious accident cases, we also can discuss with you the retention of expert witnesses such as accident reconstructionist and specialists who can help disprove the State's case against you. At the Law Office of Lawson and Berry, our Henry Co. DUI lawyers have over 20 years of relevant experience in these types of effective DUI defenses. Our career long focus on DUI cases has allowed his DUI firm to develop powerful resources to assist clients who are charged with a serious accident or serious injury Henry County DUI case.