Have you been arrested for your first DUI in Henry County, Georgia?
Get your first DUI in Henry County, GA? For many people, a DUI is the worst offense they have ever committed. There is no need to feel ashamed, many good otherwise law abiding citizens have been charged with DUI. If you've gotten your first DUI, you are probably scared and filled with questions. To start, receiving a DUI is a very serious matter. Georgia DUI penalties are stiff even for a first DUI. The minimum penalty could include jail time, heavy fines, or a suspension of your Georgia driver's license. That is why you should not compromise your case by trying to represent yourself or hiring a lawyer that does not specialize in DUI law. Lawson and Berry exclusively handle DUI cases and their knowledge is unparalleled. Contact us today for a free case evaluation!
What Happens After I Am Arrested For DUI?
During a DUI arrest, an officer may take your license. In terms of penalties, under Georgia law, there are some statutory minimums and maximums for first time DUI offenders. If convicted of your first DUI, you can expect to face a minimum of 24 hours in jail; this is required by law. Later, after sentencing, you could even be given up to 1 year of jail time to serve. In most cases the judge will allow a first time DUI offender to serve the sentence on probation i.e. you will not have to be jailed but will have to check in weekly with a probation officer and stay out of trouble.
The financial costs of a DUI can also be great. You typically will be fined, and that along with court costs and surcharges can add up to be over $1000. In addition, you may have to then pay several hundred dollars more for probation supervision fees.
Finally, under Georgia law, you will likely need to do a minimum of 40 hours of community service as well as attend DUI school. Judges in Henry County will usually require you attend an alcohol and drug evaluation. If you are recommended counseling, you will need to complete that too. Even if it is your first DUI, you may also face a one year license suspension. The length of your suspension and whether or not you are eligible for a limited driving permit depend on the particular facts of your case and the expertise of your lawyer.
After your initial DUI arrest, you have 30 days to file an appeal of the suspension of your license or to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. The choice is yours but one that should only be made after consulting with a Georgia DUI Attorney. A failure to file for an administrative license hearing (ALS) or to install the ignition interlock device will result in your license being suspended for one year.
What are Common Punishments for a First DUI Conviction?
As stated previously, jail time and a license suspension are both possible consequences after receiving a DUI in Georgia. However other consequences include:
- 12 months of probation
- Fines of $300-$1000
- 1-10 days in jail
- 40 hours of community service
- Alcohol and drug counseling
- DUI school
- Treatment program
Contact Us Today
If this is your first DUI conviction, you need a Georgia DUI Lawyer. Your best defense begins as soon as you pick up the phone to call us. Our attorneys have decades of experience and are prepared to assist with your case immediately. Call now for a free case evaluation.