Have you been arrested for DUI in Stockbridge Georgia?
If you have been charged with DUI in Stockbridge, you should contact a DUI lawyer right away. DUI in Georgia is a very serious charge and the consequences both in and out of the court system can be life changing. You could face consequences from jail time and fines to community service, drivers license suspensions, and mandatory risk reduction classes in the State court system.
Finding the right DUI lawyer to defend you for DUI in Stockbridge is as important as many aspects of DUI. At the Law Offices of Richard Lawson we are trained to fight DUI case and only DUI cases. Focusing all of our resources to defending our clients in all types of DUI charges giving us a distinct advantage in your DUI defense.
Our focus is only on DUI, we have strong resources available to us, such as doctors, investigators, top expert witnesses, as well as former law enforcement officers who can and will help us in your case independently. Our legal team knows the science involved in the blood and breath test know how to use this information to build a defense for you. There are many components to a DUI case. Hire the right DUI Lawyer in Dunwoody, Georgia to defend you in the event you get arrested for DUI.
Stockbridge GA Municipal Court
Stockbridge Municipal Court is held at 4602 North Henry Boulevard, Stockbridge, GA 30281-3651. The Honorable Matthew McCord is the Municipal Court Judge, Julie Kert is the Solicitor, and Genea Stanley is the Clerk of Court. Call (770) 389-7906 for more information.