One of the most serious traffic citations you can get is one for reckless driving. While tickets for offenses such as speeding, failing to maintain lane, and no headlights can often be paid without a court appearance, reckless driving is typically an offense when you must come to court and go before a judge. The fines and fees associated with reckless driving can be hefty and it is punishable by up to 12 months in jail.
Reckless driving can refer to a variety of different serious driving infractions. For example, in addition to getting a speeding or super speeder ticket, the Henry County police officer may also believe that the driver's speed was so dangerous as to the point of being reckless – especially considering the location and condition of the speeding or if there was construction or an event going on nearby.
Generally, a reckless driving offense does not suspend your driver's license. However, if you are under the age of 21, it can lead to a suspension without any type of school or work permit. For drivers of all ages, a reckless carries with it 4 points and can contribute to a points suspension of your license if you have other driving convictions within a specified period of time.
Reckless driving is not a lesser offense of DUI, but a completely different charge. In some cases, the prosecuting attorneys charge a driver with DUI and with reckless driving. Technically, a DUI case is not ever “reduced” to a reckless, but instead, the prosecutor looks at the charge and “amends” the case to reckless. This means that the DUI no longer stands as the state feels that the charge is better suited to a reckless driving scenario than to a case where a driver was operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Henry County prosecutors are not quick to amend a DUI charge to a reckless driving charge. If you feel that you have been wrongly charged with DUI and/or you want to fight the DUI case, call our Henry County DUI lawyers now for a free consultation. Oftentimes, there are many defenses available to you and we help our clients get the best possible results on the Henry County DUI and reckless driving charges.