According to reports out of Henry County, a multi-vehicle accident involving an overturned tractor-trailer blocked every lane of I-75 in the county. As of right now, there is nothing to support the cause of the accident.
There have been no other details concerning the incident have been reported yet. However, as a Henry County DUI Lawyer, I will expand on some occurrences that are common in accident scenes.
As a firm we focus on Georgia DUI Law - this means offenses ranging from accidents and serious injury by vehicle in Henry County to hit and run.
Vehicular Accidents in Henry County
Most charges for DUI in Henry County are considered misdemeanors. Misdemeanors are considered less serious crimes because they are punishable by terms of less than one year.
However, there are several factors that can cause cases, even first DUI cases, to be elevated to felonies or even to be considered misdemeanors with more serious penalties. These factors include accidents, serious injury by vehicle, and hit and run in Henry County.
If you were involved in a DUI in which there was an accident or hit and run, then you are facing much more serious penalties than if charged with just a DUI and an accompanying traffic violation. Furthermore, if there were significant injuries to yourself or others, you can be facing a lengthy prison sentence.
My advice as a defense attorney is to never leave this up to chance as Henry County judges are harsh on DUI offenders and do not hesitate to give the maximum sentences. The more serious the accident and injuries associated with a pending DUI case, the more important it is for you to have adequate representation.
Bottom line - any traffic violation is additional support for the prosecution's claim that you were less safe to drive. So when an accident or injuries are involved then it can make you appear more culpable and appear as less of a safe driver.
If your involvement in an accident leads to a DUI charge, not only are the jail and fine penalties increased, but you are also facing a considerably longer license suspension in Henry County.
Practice Note
As a firm, we have decades of combined experience. We specialize in DUI Law. That means that we work with some of the best investigators, expert medical witnesses and field sobriety experts in the country.
If you or a loved one has been arrested in Henry County, contact our offices today. A Henry County DUI Attorney can help you now.
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